IAG Brokerage Services is the official channel for brokers to access MSC tools, training, product information, sales materials and support. We’re here to help you.
IAG Brokerage Services provides analysis, ACA-compliant solutions, and support to the
brokerage community.
Under our brands Essential StaffCARE (ESC) and HospitalityCARE, we are one of the largest providers of ACA-compliant health plans and supplemental employee benefits to the staffing Industry, and a leader in the hospitality space as well.
Over our 20+ years, we have served over 2,450 clients and enrolled more than 750,000 temporary employees. We offer ACA-compliant MEC plans, fully insured Major Medical plans, supplemental Fixed Indemnity plans, and comprehensive audit and enrollment technology solutions. We are an American Staffing Association (ASA) Industry Partner, and an award-winning member of the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU), and have served the staffing and hospitality markets for over 10 years. Our team has decades of experience working with carriers, consultants, TPAs, enrollment companies and independent producers.
With a suite of ACA-Compliant products, unsurpassed industry experience, ACA cost evaluation and administrative tools, leading edge technology for enrollment and IRS reporting, and award-winning customer support, turn to IAG Brokerage Services to help your clients and grow your business. We’re your one-stop resource.
Contact IAG Brokerage Services for complete details today.