The American Staffing Association President and CEO Richard Wahlquist, in an open letter to the staffing industry, invited industry executives and business leaders to join him at Staffing Law April 27-29, 2015 in Washington D.C. Included in his highlights that attendees should expect was the unveiling of Medical StaffCARE’s new ACA-Compliant Bronze Plan.
ACA-Compliant Bronze Plan to Launch at Staffing Law April 28-29
Medical StaffCARE’s new fully-insured, ACA-Compliant Bronze Plan — designed specifically to meet the unique needs of the Staffing Industry — will be introduced at Staffing Law 2015 April 28-29.
The highly anticipated plan will initially be made available to “current Medical StaffCARE (MSC) customers to ensure there is appropriate time for them to replace first generation MV plans that have been grandfathered through 2015,” according to J. Marshall Dye, MSC President and CEO. “It will also allow them additional time to explore MSC’s enhanced technology and administrative solutions that will ensure ACA compliance, automate benefit offerings and expand customer support.”
The new MSC Bronze is a fully insured, true major medical plan with unlimited in-patient hospitalization benefits. The plan includes all ACA-mandated benefits to ensure compliance for participating companies. The new MSC Bronze plan has no minimum employee participation requirements.
“2014 was a challenging year for us all with changing ACA regulations and last-minute HHS pronouncements,” added Dye, who noted that MSC had added more than 500 new staffing company clients in 2014 with most coming online in the last 8 weeks of the year as those firms turned to MSC for help. “The flood of new MSC clients in such a compressed period stressed our new group on-boarding process and service teams. These groups have now been absorbed into our Staffing Specific Administrative Platform (SSAP) and service metrics are quickly returning to normal.” MSC reported the addition of over 80,000 new enrolled members during the first month of 2015.
“We’re excited to launch MSC’s ACA-compliant Bronze plan, along with enhancements to our MEC and Fixed Indemnity coverages,” said Dye. “We will share our new E-enrollment and Audit Log technologies and introduce an expanded client support team at Staffing Law. Our long-standing partnership with the American Staffing Association and the unwavering support of Blue Cross Blue Shield enables us to bring this essential product to the Staffing Industry. We look forward to helping MSC customers fully comply with ACA requirements and maintain their competitive edge.”
MSC to Introduce New ACA-Compliant Bronze Plan, Enhanced Technologies
Medical StaffCARE’s new fully-insured, ACA-Compliant Bronze Plan, designed to replace the Minimum Value Plan grandfathered through 2015, will debut in late Spring 2015 at Staffing Law.
Replacing the Minimum Value Plan that is grandfathered through 2015, the MSC Bronze is true major medical coverage with full in-patient hospitalization benefits, along with many other features designed to ensure ACA compliance. Following ASA’s Staffing Law Conference next month, you can expect:
- Proposal packages with full details on the MSC Bronze plan roll-out
- Updates to our industry-leading MEC and Indemnity products
- Enhanced administrative and compliance tools, and
- Leading edge technological advances to make your life easier and your business more profitable.
Thanks to your support and confidence, we’re pleased that MSC has again been recognized with the top 2014 performance awards by the insurance and staffing industries for exceptional professional knowledge and outstanding client service:
- The NAHU Soaring Eagle Award – the National Association of Health Underwriters’ highest honor in health insurance
- MDRT’s Top of the Table Award – the highest honor in life insurance from the premier association of financial professionals
- 500/5000 Honor Roll – five-time honoree among America’s Fastest Growing Private Companies
Today, the only certainty in our shared industry is one of constant, almost revolutionary change. Thank you for your partnership and support in 2014. We look forward to serving you long into the future – and making 2015 your best year ever.
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